
c/o CoachMaddHatters Underland University and Radio (CMHU)... w/ CoachTC aka Skyla Indigo Ink (The Golden Wildling)

Friday, January 31, 2020

TC's Capstone Coaching Commentary Series

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{via the Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck/Guidebook by Kyle Gray, Artwork by Lily Moses, 2018}

DRUM (p.122) | Dream and Journey
Journey inwards to uncover insights and information that will be important to your path. Then follow the guidance. You are very connected to the other worlds (spiritual dimensions) at this time. The widsom and intelligence of the Earth and her magic surrounds you.  The Drum, which echoes the sound of Mother Earth's heartbeat, has cleared the cobwebs and dust from your inner vision.  What you have seen in your dreams and inner vision is not imagination but guidance, particularly if it has been coming to you repeatedly, and has the potential to become reality. Dreams come true -- KNOW IT and LIVE IT.

ANIMAL GUARDIAN (p. 94) | Trust Your Instincts
Trust the powerful animal spirit within to learn more about yourself and your talents. You have a powerful animal within that can be wild, protective, instinctive, and even calm.
Animals don't second-guess how they feel, they just express it, and you can learn from that.  When this card arises, it's important to connect with HOW YOU REALLY FEEL, how you want to feel and what you really need.  Take the time to connect with your animal energy and express it naturally.  Let even the fiercest energy move through you before returning to your natural state.  It will teach you a lot about your gifts and HOW YOU CAN GROW.

SPIRIT FOX (p.74) | Trust Your Talents in Changing Times
Stay alert, as chang is in the air.
The energies around are changing at this time, and although it may not always be comfortable, you are equipped with all that you need to survive (thrive) this shift.  You are being presented with opportunities to reach spaces you've never encountered before, and this can make you feel on edge, but be open to the shifts occurring, because they really are the answers to your prayers.  The experience of being hunted or threatened is now behind you and you are being invited to come out from your den and reveal your glory and talents.  Call upon Spirit Fox medicine (and meditation) to help you be seen for WHO YOU ARE and trust in your talents in order to be the best you can be in the changing times.

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