
c/o CoachMaddHatters Underland University and Radio (CMHU)... w/ CoachTC aka Skyla Indigo Ink (The Golden Wildling)

CoachT's Den

Welcome iNTRA Nation!

{Yes! I'am the Proverbial Problem My Ancestors Forewarned Us About}

On-Behalf-Of STORY-STUDIO77 (per CoachTC)

I’ve been assigned to this commentary based upon a self-reflective inquisition I recently underwent…so, here-we-go. FYI: This messaging is mainly for those journeying into their unique Individuality. As well as those composing narrative on-behalf-of-others and especially for those wrestling with the contemplations of engaging the art-&-craft of one’s-own-narrative as a source of inner-healing.  And of course, respectfully, for those engaging the daily-drum of DivineTrifecta: Story, Arts-&-Acoustics.  The journey of a thousand-miles begins with one step.

Our ultimate goal for the second-half of 2018 is to FIGHT THE URGE to distancing oneself and or not leaning-into the people/places/passions/projects that bring forth fulfillment, complement-and-compliment, perception-contouring, communal-consciousness, and or a solid-understanding-of-Self.  These preliminaries signify the basis of inner-viewpoints (keenly regarding the intangibles of self-confidence, patience, and core-comprehension); instead of outer-views-of-point. The-task-at-hand is to fix one’s focus upon the patient-pace-of-the-process J in order to keenly, and ultimately render one’s DIVINE-NARRATIVE.  This practice encompasses the dropping-of-burdens that conjure shame-gaming, precautionary-measures due to previous disappointments, fears of rejection, distant faith, and submission-by-way-of-fright while regarding random/unworthy plights of character-assassination and second-hand flossy-gossip.  

Trendy-traditions of crafting lopsided-narratives and hosting galleries of ruddy-notions (the rumor mill) produces plenty of ‘leading’ stories that are often told via cloaked-and-daggered means of flossy-viciousness – and you don’t have to take-my-word; there’s historical accounts to this sentiment that holds no bounds…just seek-and-thee-shall-discover!

The faculty of StoryStudio77 (SS77) has (personal and professional) narratology-rooting deep in the seeds of Ida B. Wells and the essence of the ‘Underground Railroad’ – with their feet planted in the storylines of those considered the-undesirable/the-underdog…whom are (still) very much alive and persevering! These gaps-in-Narrative (with special-regards to 21st Century document) will inevitably seep-out our Legacy’s nectar of lively-goodness and lexiconic-values if we neglect our due-diligence to formally compose our self-narratives; especially as it regards self-awareness, personal/professional highlighting and family-fondness – regardless of its uncanny popularity and essences of persona-non-grata!  Thanks to my great-Uncle Gil life-memoirs – I’am endowed with a priceless print-of-path and legit compass of bloodline and linage. As well as an arsenal of self-reflective wisdom that revealed the tender-insights surrounding his professional trails and triumphs.  All of which spoke directly to my adult-comprehension and would’ve been prematurely overlooked and pretty much meaningless if I’d heard any of it during my childhood. Today, it’s such a glory to behold – which would’ve never been possible had he not pro-actively preserved such wisdom by nesting it within the lines of his-Story. I’am sure he had no idea that I’d even be needing such precise advisory.  His due-diligence to adhere to the callings of his inner-voice…took him on the journey into his self-expressions. And when I (the student) arrived at the point of life capable of comprehending his-teachings; he appeared.

The-way-our-society-is-set-up…we’ve been bred-to-believe in spending all our lives collecting monies and neatly positioning them into fancy portfolios…and spinning our wheels (until they damn near burn out) to pay off and pass-on properties and business acumen – but we’re very slow-to-bestow the same regard towards the stocks-and-bonds of Narrative; especially those of personal-triumphs. The ones that make way for the fortifying of solid-identity, legacy-building and the elevated senses of belonging. As well as the ones that provide lucrative-courage, a better understanding of self, the brave-to-dare, and laugh (out loud) in the face of fears and lasso them into utility. Give a (wo)man a fish; they’ll eat for a day – bestow them with the lessons of fishing (thru) story, and they’ll eat for a lifetime.

So – for the sake of a maturing-consciousness…taking up the painful due-diligence of collecting one’s (own) thoughts…conducting one’s (own) research for the sake of personal-development…and cataloguing one’s (own) key-notes is truly a quest-of questions that must, no doubt, be successively transformed into a quest-of-answers.  But, don’t fret beloved!  Because surely, cognizant-exercising of crafting one’s narrative (conducive to the 21st Century) is the (true) import-of-Ambrosia.  According to legend, she was the ancient ‘executive’ producer of the nectar-of-the-gods…which comprised of uniquely blended fruits and edible flowers. To partake such nectar ensured longevity and the soul’s safe passage into immortality. Upon the time when she fell under constant violence (because folks wanted to rough-her-for-her-goodies) she was transformed into a grapevine to secure her safe dwelling and untampered nectar production. It’s-Grapevine-time!

‘KNOWLEDGE IS POWER’ – this is such the catchy-phrase of the millennium – ok…well, if this is true, then wouldn’t it be fair-to-explore the quality of knowledge that’s considered power(full)?  Because surely, all those in-the-know do not necessarily yield power; especially with regards to certain social-interests and community-inclinations (or else the Underground wouldn’t be so subjected to historically-slanted narratives, massively starving-artistry/intellectuals, and homelessly broken-hearts).  Truly, some knowledge is strategically crafted to weaken and mislead.  Especially the trendy-community-efforts to craft narrative-about-thee-without-thee!  Shucks, folks are proud of baking lopsided-stories!  And trust-and-believe…Story sanctions raw, uncanny powers to behold!  So, I say – yes to circumstantial-evidence…by deeming one’s circumstantial-dimensions as matters-of-fact is therapeutic! And shall surely ON-set the woes-of-the-weak and OFF-set the willingness to viciously spin-opinions one-behalf of fanciful vanity-flair! If not, history will continue to repeat itself, and the cloaked-and-daggered efforts will continue to assassinate-character, drain emotionality, and or cloud the conduits of inner-based love(li)ness.

My hopes dwell within the likenesses of perfect-timing; baring upon its sides, true-self-reflective-narrative. There’s still much to soothe, repair and counteract – one-self-narrative-at-a-time. 

So, here’s my contribution-to-resolution:

a)     KEY-EXERCISE = let’s start by dispelling this simplified version of – there’s three-sides to a story – when in actuality there’s a multitude of sides to any-given-Story.  Sides are conducive to the number of perceptions/people/places/purposes/passions. FIRSTHAND narrative is core. I’ll go as-far-as-to-say that true-power dwells within that tender-awareness closest to the apex upon any Story, mainly because it helps with the inner-vetting process and the sustainability of one’s notions-gallery. A mental-gallery full of dud-notions makes for a shitload of assumptions…ultimately making an ass out of one’s ‘gumption’. 

-- Contemplate this…how involved is your willingness-to-engage when the narrative directly concerns you? What about when it’s directly concerning someone right beside you?  Or, how about when it’s concerning someone next to the someone that’s right beside you?  Now…examine how much of the actual narrative you have firsthand access to (meaning you are either a core-being of the circumstance itself or you are in-conjunction to those direct).

REMEMBER: Any source beyond this intimate positioning is-not considered first-hand. Now…jot down any notions that surface.  Any narrative-lines that surround the-present/past/purposed situation(s) that are brewing/blending as a result. Focusing mainly upon the details that induce your-side-of-the-narrative. FYI: if you become blocked during composition, these highlights can be efficiently incorporate into your core-composition.

b)     KEYNOTE-TO-SELF = Self-Narratives (especially when kept safely in well-preserved journals and suited to allot instructions, insights, and reveal discovery) remains among the-most-powerful and influential pursuits of many generations. Our life’s style and wellbeing are partly determined by the stories we TELL OURSELVES. 

Much is salved and healed when we are privy to first-handed sides-of-the-Story. Quest-question: how many times have you (or someone linked directly to you) intuit along the lines of – ‘Dang-nabit! …I wish I had known this side-of-their-story beforehand…I now clearly understand why this/that was happening and or inevitable to happen’.

Also – let me mention a tid-bit about the road to free-self-expressive.  The nature of self-narrative composition does NOT offer an easy beginning, nor a quick-fix to that which makes you depressive. The ‘entrance’ fee is costly and does require enormous concentration and inner-work.   But, beyond this point has been sanctioned a true alternative of inner-healing and rewarding habit of lifelong-learning.  Plus, there’s great communal-wealth potential. Having (firsthand access) to authentic self-narratives, lends quality to decision-making, path-findings, and cognizant-protections (regardless of impressions of good, bad, and or indifference).  This grand-level of access often lessens the heavier temptations of fearing the unknown, emotional-displacements, discouragement, and despair; which (in my humble opinion) are all dissolvable when one has a lively arsenal of firsthand-narratives and storyline-likenesses to pull from.  The accumulation of FAITH and FREEDOM and TRUST fuels oneself to-go-forth-and-conquer.  Shucks, I’d protest that…one’s elevated esteems and commitments to (response)ability is achievable when one is adequately equipped to slay the chatter that lurks within the shadows of mindless judgment.  …Better-is-the-access-to-(firsthand fluid) narrative-foundations. Wow…I had no-clue my Nana was such a vibrant community-champion…she fought for the voiceless and rallied for the unemployable.

…Narrative-by-example shall forever be the progressive-insurance of family-fondness, as well as the swift bestowing of assorted angels and logic, circumstantial-calculations, and varied possibilities.  Which is also help(full) when slaying the random whispers of assumptions and strings of doubt/disapproval offered by kill-joys; generally, and generationally.  Consequently, the courage to sift through heart-to-heart discussions with Self is no easy feat!  Nor is the successive conjuring of one’s willingness-to-listen to the inner-commentary that informs oneself of its worthiness and values; or its divine-connectivity to LONGEVITY and LOVE(LI)NESS…but…I promise…all is sanctioned by the oomph of upward/inward-bound narrative – generational-seedlings of authentic-assessment and beloved(ness). Because surely, inner-therapy/healing is a lifelong practice that ensures connectivity-to-positivity. 

– Which naturally segues my closing into a primal-focal-point: the hasty gestures to withdraw from…or be lackadaisical with respect to transforming-one’s-broken-heart-into-art…by way of…telling-one’s-own-story…IS NOT RECOMMENDED.  SOUL-SCHOLARSHIP NARRATIVE IS TRULY NECESSARY! (for public, but especially tribal utility). Because – such mighty-powers can be used to heal/complete as well as harm/compromise one’s livelihoods, legends, lessons, and lexicons. We can shift the trend to utilize Narrative’s powers for Urban’s greater-good.

The optimal goal (moving onward-into Autumn) is to release all things that promote a-false-sense-of-self.  And to embrace one’s restoration trajectory (because surely NO-ONE will ever know thyself better than Thee).  And those venturing toward (whole)hearted individuality shall continue to refuse adopting popular-narrative; just because.  No more full-fledged assumptions without considering the oddity-of-perception.  Also note – inviting the logics of others, respectfully, is not what I speak-of…rather, I contend with all that serves to ‘spoil’ one’s psychic-compensations and or cognizant-compliments. 

In-Conclusion: On-Behalf-Of-The-Story is about (self)narrative-ownership.  Mainly because ‘popular’ narrative isn’t always true-to-cause…and our ‘fabrics’ are consistently being threaded by such.  And because trendy-traditions will make-believe that the pursuit to owning a vehicle, a fancy ‘cell’ phone, flashy textiles, a luxurious homestead, and or a lofty bank-account is more-important than owning the-esteem-of-one’s-own-story (none of which transcends upon one’s departure of this dimension). Oh, and I’ll prop this disclosure (before my critics begin whispering in the shadows) …this does not include one’s ability to adequately sustain itself and its tribe. Furthermore, the ownership of one’s Narrative (the good, the bad, and the urban-ugly) is pretty much all that transcends.  The bundles of experiments, encounters, exhibitions, memories, notions, sentiments, intuitive-reconciliations, flags-of-forgiveness (of Self and Others), and the upward-bound of complementary-consciousness, plus accumulated esteem – IS THE ONLY THAT GOES. It does-one-well to venture out and gather its own firsthand knowledge of subject/soldier/situation.  Individual-perspective of person/place/thing is highly subjective; and is best utilized when upon flexible-suggestion, instead of stone-&-hinge.  There’s not one ‘thing’ upon the face-of-this-earth that impresses upon every individual in the same exact way – there’s just too many ‘fingerprinted’ variables and awesome-oddities to boot!

SAGE-SUGGESTION: Continue striving to allot the adequate time to craft the intricate details of your storylines and self-reflective narrative(s)…as this is the one true connector of relations, likeness, and generational-tutelage/cultural-messaging.  And yes, it just may manifest into one’s strive-to-stay-alive and pay-one’s-bills.   

Have-Pen; Will-Travel ~Coach TC
Self-Narratives matters! ~Black Lotus
Tai Chi matters! ~ Liam Ealey
Inner-peace is the new-success. ~RedPill
Haste makes waste. ~Treebeard