MUSEology Quickie: Master vs. Slave Morality | The Life You Want Is Here!
'Wearing the Golden Cloak of Wisdom'
⦁ Tap'n into one's Wild Unknown discoveries of inner dwelling powers and natural powers may be shunned/harshly judged for lack of under/inner-standing.
⦁ Letting go of (high-end) expectations regarding (divine) timing and outcomes linked to achievement, assessment, and or value-based esteem.
⦁ Surges of serendipity and pro-personal powers derive from within and has absolutely nothing to do with 3D possessions.
2020 VISION: Bella's Book Blend
1. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy Of Enduring Injury and Healing by Dr. Joy DeGruy (2005) p.184
2. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander (2012) p.136
3. Becoming by Michelle Obama (2018) p. 21
4. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen (1903) p.17
5. The 7Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (25th Anniv. edition; 2013) p.56, 67
6. Grit to Great: How Perseverance, Passion, and Pluck Take You from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval (2015) p.92
7. Becoming The Obvious Choice: A Guide to Your Next Opportunity by Bryan Dodge and David Cottrell (2001) p.9
'Wearing the Golden Cloak of Wisdom'
⦁ Tap'n into one's Wild Unknown discoveries of inner dwelling powers and natural powers may be shunned/harshly judged for lack of under/inner-standing.
⦁ Letting go of (high-end) expectations regarding (divine) timing and outcomes linked to achievement, assessment, and or value-based esteem.
⦁ Surges of serendipity and pro-personal powers derive from within and has absolutely nothing to do with 3D possessions.
2020 VISION: Bella's Book Blend
1. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy Of Enduring Injury and Healing by Dr. Joy DeGruy (2005) p.184
2. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander (2012) p.136
3. Becoming by Michelle Obama (2018) p. 21
4. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen (1903) p.17
5. The 7Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey (25th Anniv. edition; 2013) p.56, 67
6. Grit to Great: How Perseverance, Passion, and Pluck Take You from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval (2015) p.92
7. Becoming The Obvious Choice: A Guide to Your Next Opportunity by Bryan Dodge and David Cottrell (2001) p.9